Monday, May 6, 2013

When life hands you mangoes...

With some free time on our hands, as well as a love of mangoes and kitchen projects, Aaron and I decided it was time to make use of the dozens of mangoes that fall from the tree above our roof daily.

First; wait for mangoes to fall. A big guest of wind or a little shake of a tree branch will usually do the trick

Then scoop 'em up!
Cut 'em up with the Bear Grylls hiking knife
Grab a partner and arrange those beauties on some plates while you partner swats at the flies

Drag an old bed frame and a piece of glass on the roof to act as a dehydrator (thanks to Erica who pioneered this method)

Let the mangoes sit out in the sun until they're perfectly beautiful (about a day and a half's worth of Haitian sun) bag them up and scarf 'em down
Bonus treat! Refrigerate the mango seeds and then you have a delicious juicy lollipop to enjoy

 The final step (not pictured) is to floss the mango fibers out of your teeth! 

Wait for the next big gust of wind and repeat...

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